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(Financial) Help-Seeking

When decisions feel difficult, important, and beyond our control, we seek help. I examine this behavior primarily in the financial domain.

Below is a list of publications and conference presentations/working papers.

Lee, H., Kump, P., Grable, J., & Warmath, D. “Financial help-seeking behavior and sources.”

Warmath, D., & Lee, H. The Role of Decision Appraisal in the Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Professional Financial Help-Seeking. To be presented by Dee Warmath at the Frontiers in Service Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands, June 16, 2023.

Lee, H., Warmath, D., Grable, J., & Kump, P. Professional Financial Help as a Preventative Service. To be presented by Dee Warmath at the Frontiers in Service Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands, June 18, 2023.


Lee, H., Warmath, D., Grable J., & Kump, P. Professional Financial Help as a Preventive Service. To be presented by Heejae Lee at the American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference (AMMA MPPC) in Arlington Virginia, June 9, 2023.

Lee, H., Kump, P., Grable, J., & Warmath, D. Financial Help-Seeking as a Coping Mechanism. Presented virtually by Heejae Lee at the Academy of Financial Services (AFS) 36th Annual Meeting, September 27, 2022.

Lee, H., & Warmath, D. Aren’t Services Supposed to Help? The Role of Services in Decision- Making Endurance. Presented by Dee Warmath at the Frontiers in Service Conference in Wellesley, MA, June 25, 2022.

Lee, H., & Warmath, D. Help-Seeking as a Moderator Between Financial Decision-Making Ability and Decision Fatigue. Presented virtually by Heejae Lee at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) Annual Meeting, February 11, 2022.

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